Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Without a political rant, who is your favorite TV anchor for election news?

I like Olbermann, I know he's biased, I won't pretend he isn't. I also like David Gergen, one of the political analysts on CNN, he always seems to be right on the money.Without a political rant, who is your favorite TV anchor for election news?
Anderson CooperWithout a political rant, who is your favorite TV anchor for election news?
I've just recently discovered MSNBC and I like a lot of them guys. But I absolutely detest election returns because they make me so stressed and make me feel so helpless (nothing more I can do but but but...). Usually we go out to a movie and dinner just to escape having to hear anything but you still get drips and drabs (because people just cannot shut up) which spoils the night for me. So this year, we're watching the West Wing series, eating pizza and ice cream.
I've always had a soft spot for Shepard Smith. He seems like he be cool to hang out with and talk about gossip and stupid crap.

Oh, election news. Rachel Maddow. Yes, she's biased, but she's actually cool headed and supports her assertions with facts.
Keith Olbermann by far is my favorite ... followed by Chris Matthews ...
1.Chris Matthews

2.Keith Olberman

Brian Williams

Actually I want Olbermann but he's been told no.

Chris Matthews

Roland Martin
O'Reilly and Sean Hannity
I like Katie C. because she stuck it to Palin and she was being nice. Palin was clueless!
Brit Hume, Neil Cavuto, or Shepard Smith!
If O'Reilly were an anchor, he'd be my choice.

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