Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Political Rant not really a ? but feel free to comment?

I've been answering political questions all morning and this is just a rant.

Ok so 48% of the voting population didn't vote for Obama. Yet, when anyone disagrees with the Democrats about anything they are demeaned or called names like stupid Bible humpers, even though there are legitimate complaints about the current administration and legislation that has been passed. ex: the stimulus package- Fox interviewed Congressmen who admitted to not reading the bill. Its not like I blame them entirely, the thing was a couple thousand pages long. And the White House rammed it down their throats.

But really become politically informed before you start demeaning people, have common courtesy. If you are just insulting people you look like you have no idea what you're talking about and you can't hold an intelligent conversation with someone with an opposing view point.

It goes for conservatives too. You just make your own side look bad when you can't talk about issues.

I actually gained much more respect for Obama when O'Reilly interviewed him. I feel like he is one of the few people who was asking questions that lay people what to know, and in turn Obama gave him very straightforward answers. None of this celebrity BS, where nobody is serious. I thought it was conducted better than the debates, no floozy Q%26amp;As.

sighPolitical Rant not really a ? but feel free to comment?
Those with only a limited capacity for understanding complex thought will almost always revert to assaulting an opponent verbally.

In debate and logic it's called an ';ad hominen'; to dissuade from an opinion by abusing the character of its holder rather than to convince by means of reason or intellect.

In short, those who lack intellectual capacity have no other weapon than slander.Political Rant not really a ? but feel free to comment?
to each his own opinion.

This is the reality- that people are entitled to their own opinion.

What you seem to want to accomplish by complaining is mess around with what people SHOULD MULL AROUND IN THEIR HEADS.

so go ahead and bow to your messiah. and leave the rest of the other citizens alone.

We are all entitled to our opinions, but yes, I prefer educated opinions too.

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