I have, I am and I will....and I am most unhappy with the last term. I was let down...and to be honest...I don't know which clown should lead the circus yet. I just know, I don't want see commercials that put the other party down...just show me what is on your agenda and let me pick the one I believe can do the best job. At this point I don't care if he's/she's an elephant or an a ssI see a lot of political ranting...are people who rant...registered voters?
Registered Independent and Political Science major.
Partisan - a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person; especially: one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance.
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I bet more VOTERS rant that non Voters.
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In America, people have options. Maybe they are disappointed with bogus candidates and stolen elections and have stopped voting. Maybe they actually are registered voters who are still giving the broken system a chance. Only 33 percent of the population votes. There needs to be more discourse between writers on this board and politicians and the media before change can be affected. Try it
i am annd don't give a F about weather others are or not
I haven't missed a general election in almost 40 years. I make most of the primaries, too.
well..I plan to do both! I talk to co-workers about their views and tell them mine. I read the paper, ads, mail promos, and listen to the news. And I can get on my soapbox pretty quickly about what bugs the h*ll out of me..but you can bet that I will be in line at 6:00a.m. to vote, too..and if the wrong person gets voted in..the cycle will start all over as I will hold them accountable to do their job or here from me!
I vote in every election and I rant occasionally.
I don't rant and I do vote....
2 cents; I didn't vote for Bush.
10 pts?? (trying to get a keychain)
%26lt;-----%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;This 'ranter' VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you REALLY WANT a 'sample' of but ONE of my MANY rants?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
%26gt;Bush: 'History Cannot Judge Me If I End It Soon'
September 7, 2006 | Issue 42鈥?6
WASHINGTON, DC鈥擠espite, or perhaps because of, rising fuel prices, the unpopularity of the U.S. presence in Iraq, and mounting legal problems surrounding his administration, President Bush informed his Cabinet Monday that he is unworried about his place in history, White House sources said. ';I'm telling you, pretty soon some things are going to develop so that I won't have history to worry about any longer,'; Bush said. ';History may be written by the winners, but it doesn't get written at all if all of human language is lost in, say, fire storms, right? So I can still get off the hook.'; Although troubles faced by his presidency have been relatively recent, sources said they believed Bush's plan had been put into motion long before he had even taken office.
THAT is an example of why I didn't and WILL NOT vote Repubicunt/Bushit!!!!!
I vote, and with that, I get a jury summons every few months.
Most people who rant are not registered or have never voted.
Why? Because even if they say ';if you don't vote you can't complain'; - people complain anyway. It's human nature.
I rant and I waste my time using the 'voting' machines.
Your vote is your dollar. If you want change, keep it in your pocket. The machines don't count.
Damn straight I'm registered. Not only that, I call and write my representative and senators and donate to the causes I believe in.
I doubt there's a lot of ranters who aren't registered, and definitely none that would admit it here.
I always vote for everything. It gives me the right to complain or praise.
I HATE people who complain and then don't vote! I have heard so many anti Bush rants and I was just like... did you vote??? No, its not like one vote counts. EVERY VOTE COUNTS.
I am registered, and have voted in every election since I turned 18! So I have a right to ********* about him!
Bush is our president. Evil or Saint.
I am a regeistered voter and will be voting for ................................ in 08
Yes I do, yes I will .. and yes, I will continue to speak my beliefs.
I rant a lot, just not here
I registered to vote the day I turned 19. 18 year olds couldn't vote when I was 18 so I had to wait. I voted in every election at first but I lost interest. It seemed that we simply didn't have any more choices. Everyone who ran looked the same to me, they all said the same things, made the same promises, did the same dirty deals. I was never too interested in politics but I became absolutely apolitical.
Then I retired from the Army and moved to Austin just about the time George W. Bush became Governor of Texas. I never could figure out how a failed business man with no experience could so easily beat someone like Ann Richards. It just so happened I worked right across the street from him and I watched for 5 years as he did absolutely nothing except somehow, get re-elected. I actually had the chance to meet him on more than once occasion but he was such a nothing to me I just walked on by.
Suddenly, without warning, this do nothing was talking about running for President. I watched in disbelief as he ran and WON. I didn't vote in that election either, he had Texas in his pocket, there didn't seem much point. I thought, ';Well, he didn't do squat in Texas, how much harm can he do.'; Well, ol' George had a few tricks up his sleeve. He set me back on heels when one of his first official acts was his Axis of Evil speech. Seems kind of silly to piss those people off for no good reason but I still didn't expect him to do much.
Them Sept 11 happened and everything changed. George stopped being Mr Do-Nothing and started ripping the constitution apart, something I had served 20 years in the Army to defend. I became much more interested in politics and I did something I have never done in my entire life, in fact, something I used to deride others over and that was vote a straight Democratic ticket in 2004. I always considered myself a conservative but Bush made that a dirty word, he made it someone who believes he is always right and everyone else is always wrong.
As you can see, I rant pretty good. Now I vote too, even if I have to vote against someone instead of for someone else.
some are, some arent.
some people just truly enjoy complaining about politics and politicians. Its like a hobby.
Pity them...they are deserving.
Most people who spew political chants are either not registered or probably dont vote if they are.
Most of them are not!
I am registered, and I encourage others to contact their county clerk and have their names placed on the permanent list for absentee voting. There are too many problems with the computerised bean counters that have been sold to local governments. I have signs in my yard and will do campaign work for candidates. Last year I worked for the national committee. I'm too busy to rant and hate. Thanks for the question!
YES I vote Yes I rant YES as an American I have that right.
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