Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How often do the people who post political rants on here actually take action in real life?

Could you provide an example of what you mean? I'm not sure what you are asking.How often do the people who post political rants on here actually take action in real life?

i'm sure when they say 'support obama' or 'support mccain' they do go out there and give their opinions, or put a bumper sticker on their car...

but there's not a whole lot people can do....

we're not in the senate, and we don't have control over the pollsHow often do the people who post political rants on here actually take action in real life?
Probably never..
I don't actually post political rants. I do however write my congressional representatives often. I have contacts of every major national special interest group and a few locals and I have contacts within media affilliates. If I cant get what I want by being nice well I just make trouble for people by putting them in a room with people who hate them.
not to often-thankfully cause McCain/Palin,Obama/Biden would have been poisoned, shot,maimed, etc... 90 times over.
Not often ..volunteer i dont care who you vote for but get involved there are local campaign offices all over the country! Mcain supporters get into it NOW!
20%, at best...
I say the crazy things on here I say in real life I am not a hypocrite. I keep it real!
I for one attend local government meetings, speak on topics important to me,

at a state and national level:

campaign for my candidates, make donations, send emails, attend gatherings, etc.

is that what you mean by take action?

However, I don't post much in the way of ';:rants';.
You mean like the guy who shouted 'kill him' kill him at Palin's rally.. Hopefully if we can keep them here on Yahoo Answers, and there are some examples of this, hopefully they won't hurt anyone outside.
Thankfully, very few.

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